UC Merced’s cognitive science group will again be among the best-represented universities at the annual Cognitive Science Society conference, according to data collected by the group’s graduate chair.
Faculty, post-doctoral researchers, graduate students and undergraduate students will deliver 21 presentations in Quebec City, placing it as fourth most represented at the conference. Last year, the group delivered the most presentations of any university at the meeting.
The conference also has a special presentation category referred to as “full paper,” which is more competitive -- about a third of all submissions from all universities get rejected. UC Merced’s cognitive science group won 15 of these more competitive full papers, and now ranks third among hundreds of institutions (pictured right). This is up from a ranking of fifth from last year in this more competitive category.
The meeting is the discipline's premiere conference and typically draws scholars from more than 300 institutions in almost 1,000 presentations. The list of UC Merced’s presentations is available. The conference is in late July.