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2024 Virtual Graduate Visitation Days

Get ready to virtually explore our campus and connect with faculty, graduate students, and staff!  VGVD is hosted by UC Merced's Graduate Division and our campus partners. VGVD 2025 dates will be posted soon.


Day 1: General VGVD Events


Event Information

9-10 AM PST

Graduate Division Welcome

Description: Kick off VGVD with Vice Provost and Graduate Dean, Dr. Hrant P. Hratchian and Graduate Division support staff during this webinar and Q&A session! We will discuss what to expect as a graduate student at UC Merced and all the exciting opportunities that await you on our campus.

10-10:30 AM PST


Meet the Leadership: School of Engineering

Description: Open to all. The following program applicants are especially encouraged to attend: Bioengineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Environmental Systems, Management of Complex Systems, Materials & Biomaterials Science & Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

Presenter: Dr. Stefano Carpin, Associate Dean and Professor, School of Engineering

10-10:30 AM PST

Meet the Leadership: School of Natural Sciences

Description: Open to all. The following program applicants are especially encouraged to attend: Applied Math, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Quantitative & Systems Biology and Physics.

Presenter: Dr. Betsy Dumont, Dean and Professor, School of Natural Sciences

10-10:30 AM PST

Meet the Leadership: School of Social Sciences, Humanities & Arts

Description: Open to all. The following program applicants are especially encouraged to attend: Cognitive & Information Sciences, Economics, Interdisciplinary Humanities, Political Science, Psychological Sciences, Public Health and Sociology.

Presenter: Dr. Heather Bortfeld, Dean and Professor, School of Social Sciences, Humanities & Arts



Virtual Campus Tour
Description: Explore our campus and learn more about UC Merced’s growing community during this virtual tour.


Day 2: General VGVD Events


Event Information

8 - 9 AM PST

Office of International Affairs: “I’m An International Student, What’s Next?”

Description: During this webinar, UC Merced’s Office of International Affairs (OIA) will discuss next steps for international students and what to expect if you are offered admission to one of our graduate programs.

Presenter: Lacey Long Vejar

 9 - 10 AM  PST

School of Engineering Graduate Student Panel: Why I Chose UC Merced

Description: School of Engineering (SOE) graduate students will share their experiences at UC Merced during this panel and Q&A.

Open to all. The following program applicants are especially encouraged to attend: Bioengineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Environmental Systems, Management of Complex Systems, Materials & Biomaterials Science & Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

 10 - 11 AM PST

School of Natural Sciences Graduate Student Panel: Why I Chose UC Merced

Description: School of Natural Sciences (SNS) graduate students will share their experiences at UC Merced during this panel and Q&A.

Open to all. The following program applicants are especially encouraged to attend: Applied Math, Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Quantitative & Systems Biology and Physics.

 11 - 12 PM PST


School of Social Sciences, Humanities & Arts Graduate Student Panel:Why I Chose UC Merced

Description: School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (SSHA) graduate students will share their experiences at UC Merced during this panel and Q&A.

Open to all. The following programs are especially encouraged to attend: Cognitive & Information Sciences, Economics, Interdisciplinary Humanities, Political Science, Psychological Sciences, Public Health and Sociology applicants.


In addition to general VGVD sessions, many of our schools and graduate programs host audience-specific events and 1:1 meetings. Be sure to check your email for your invitation to applicable events.
Access links will be made available closer to the event dates. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us at


School and Graduate Program VGVD Events

Graduate Group



Event Information

Physics  2/15/24 8 AM- 9 AM PST

Physics: Meet the Program Chair

Description: Join the Physic's graduate chair Dr. David Strubbe to virtually discuss the program, campus, and the opportunities that await you as a UC Merced graduate student.

Environmental Systems 2/15/24 11:30 AM- 12:30 PM PST

Environmental Systems: Meet the Program Chair

Description: Join the Environmental Systems graduate chair Dr. Emily Moran alongside ES faculty to virtually discuss the program, campus, and the opportunities that await you as a UC Merced graduate student.

Economics Cancelled Cancelled

Economics: Meet the Economics Graduate Faculty & Current Students

Materials and Biomaterials Science and Engineering 2/16/24 8:00 AM- 9:00 AM PST

Materials and Biomaterials Science and Engineering: Meet the Faculty and Current Graduate Students

Description: Join the MBSE graduate chair, Dr. Sarah Kurtz, alongside a panel of current graduate students and faculty to virtually discuss the program, campus, and the opportunities that await you as a UC Merced graduate student.

Quantitative and Systems Biology

2/16/24 9:00 AM- 10:00 AM PST

Quantitative and Systems Biology: The Quantitative & Systems Biology Graduate Program

Description: Join the Quantitative and Systems Biology graduate chair Dr. Fred Wolf alongside QSB faculty to virtually discuss the program, campus, and the opportunities that await you as a UC Merced graduate student.

Chemistry & Biochemistry 2/16/24 9:00 AM- 10:00 AM PST

Chemistry & Biochemistry: Meet the Faculty

Description: Join the Chemistry & Biochemistry graduate chair Dr. Michael Findlater alongside a panel of current faculty to virtually discuss the program, campus, and the opportunities that await you as a UC Merced graduate student.

Chemistry & Biochemistry 2/16/24 11:00 AM-12:00 PM PST

Chemistry & Biochemistry: Current Graduate Student Panel

Description: Join the Chemistry & Biochemistry department to have a roundtable discussion with current graduate students.

Mechanical Engineering

2/16/24 10:00 AM- 10:30 AM PST

Mechanical Engineering: Meet the Program Chair 

Description: Join the Mechanical Engineering's graduate chair Dr. Mehmet Baykara to virtually discuss the program, campus, and the opportunities that await you as a UC Merced graduate student.

Political Science  2/16/24 12:00 PM- 12:30 PM PST

Political Science: Meet the Program Chair 

Description: Join the Political Science graduate chair Dr. Brad LeVeck to virtually discuss the program, campus, and the opportunities that await you as a UC Merced graduate student.

Political Science  2/16/24 12:30 PM- 3:00 PM PST

Political Science: Office Hours with the Faculty 

Description: Join UC Merced's Political Science Faculty during their office hours to discuss their research and the opportunities that await you as a UC Merced graduate student.

Public Health 2/16/24 1:00 PM- 2:00 PM PST

Public Health: PhD Virtual Visitation

Description: Join the Public Health's graduate chair Dr. Sidra Goldman-Mellor to virtually discuss the program, campus, and the opportunities that await you as a UC Merced graduate student.

Psychological Sciences 2/23/24 TBD

Psychological Science: Meet the Program Chair 

Description: Join the Psychological Sciences graduate chair Dr. Martin Hagger to virtually discuss the program, campus, and the opportunities that await you as a UC Merced graduate student.

Registration links will be sent via email


Contact Information: 

School of Engineering Graduate Staff:

School of Natural Sciences Graduate Staff:

School of Social Sciences Humanities & Art Graduate Staff:

UC Merced Academic Quad