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Can undocumented students apply for admission to UC Merced?

Yes, UC Merced welcomes applications from undocumented students.

I am an undocumented students, how should I answer the citizenship question on the application?

Under the Personal Background tab:

1) Select "no" to U.S. citizen and permanent resident

2) Select the best option that describes your citizenship (International non-U.S. or other AB 540 elgible status)

3) Select your country of citizenship 

4) Select if you are able to provide documentation demonstrating you are legally authorized to work in the U.S. 

Please answer the questions to the best of your ability

Are application fee waivers available to undocumented students?

Fee waivers are available for any domestic applicant who meets the eligibility criteria.

Can undocumented students receive in-state tuition rates?

Yes, with an approved AB540 application, which is available online.

What funding options are available for undocumented students?

Typically, our undocumented students are funded similarly to any other graduate student. Most Ph.D. students are awarded Teaching Assistantships and/or Graduate Student Researcher positions. You may need to request consideration for DACA status in order to obtain work authorization.

The Rose R. Ruiz fellowship is a particularly good opportunity to explore, as AB540 students are given priority for the award. Here is a link of different funding resources for students who qualify for D.A.C.A. or AB 540: