Dear colleague, UC Merced provides students the University of California's distinctive world-class education, while adding a special blend of small academic programs, interdisciplinary research and personalized attention from award-winning faculty. UC Merced professors and researchers have acquired more than $185.7 million in grants and contracts, one of the highest per-capita in the country. With more than 400 graduate students and a rapidly growing graduate student population, it is no wonder UC Merced is attracting the best and brightest scholars from all over the world. UC Merced provides competitive financial support and resources. About 95 percent of our graduate students receive funding in the form of fellowships, teaching assistantships (TA), and graduate student researcher (GSR) assistantships. The Interdisciplinary Humanities Graduate Group (IHGG) is an innovative M.A. and Ph.D. program that incorporates anthropology, the arts, history, and language and literature. An IHGG education may include disciplinary specialization along with training in concepts that enrich all cultural research. The program exposes students to many humanities professions and trains students to engage the public. Our faculty and graduate students read work from every one of our disciplines, and all of us utilize each other’s frames of understanding. IHGG students may work with social and cognitive scientists, natural scientists, and engineers as well as humanists. I also encourage you to visit the Graduate Division’s web page,, to learn more about our innovative academic programs, financial support, student services, professional development opportunities, and important information about the application process. While you’re there, explore our faculty pages to learn about the exciting research currently taking place. I hope you will share this information with your colleagues and students! We look forward to seeing your students join our graduate program in Interdisciplinary Humanities (M.A., Ph.D.). If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Iqbal Atwal School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Art |
Useful Links for Prospective Students: Financial Support How to Apply Application Checklist Virtual Tour UCM Our Faculty For more information on graduate studies in Interdisciplinary Humanities please contact: Professor Ruth Mostern
For general inquiries, contact the Graduate Division office at:
Planning a Visit?
University of California, Merced 5200 North Lake Rd. Merced, CA 95343 T: (209) 228-4400 | Directions |