Welcome to UC Merced!
Congratulations on your admission to UC Merced. We are excited to welcome you to our graduate student community!
Admitted Graduate Student Guide
"I'm Admitted, Now What?" Virtual Infomation Session
Friday, April 11 at 1pm PST
Action Items After You Have Submitted Your SIR
Step 1: Send any outstanding documents such as official test scores or official copies of transcripts to the Graduate Division. To view outstanding documents on your application checklist, log in to the application portal. If you have questions related to outstanding documents contact the Graduate Admissions team.
Step 2: Claim your UCMNetID. Your UCMNetID is the account name associated with you and the first part of your UC Merced email address. To claim your ID, enter the email address or phone number used to create your graduate application. Once you have obtained your UCMNetID, you will need to Enroll in 2-Factor Authentication. You will need your claimed UCMNetID and password to enroll. *If you have previously claimed a UCMNetID, you can disregard Step 2.
Watch the video below for more information on claiming your UCMNetID.
Class Registration
Registering for classes is the first step toward preparing for your arrival. If you have not been in touch with your faculty advisor regarding course registration, please contact your graduate program staff for information on which courses you should register for.
School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Email: ssha.grad@ucmerced.edu
Website: https://ssha-grad.ucmerced.edu/
School of Engineering
Email: soe-grstaff@ucmerced.edu
Website: https://engineeringgrads.ucmerced.edu/
School of Natural Sciences
Applied Math: amdeptsupport@ucmerced.edu
Chemistry & Biochemistry: chemistry@ucmerced.edu
Physics: physics@ucmerced.edu
QSB: qsb@ucmerced.edu
You can also find additional resources about the registration process on the Office of the Registrar's website.