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November 21, 2017
During this year’s Give Tue UC Merced annual 24-hour campaign of giving, participants will have more options to which to direct their support, including a new fund that assists with the emerging and unique needs of student groups as the campus grows. The Student Impact Fund (SIF) — established by...
November 21, 2017
During this year’s Give Tue UC Merced annual 24-hour campaign of giving, participants will have more options to which to direct their support, including a new fund that assists with the emerging and unique needs of student groups as the campus grows. The Student Impact Fund (SIF) — established by...
November 16, 2017
Outstanding contributions in service to professional organizations, academic institutions and the advancement of criminal justice have earned Graduate Dean Marjorie Zatz the Julius Debro Award from the American Society of Criminology’s Division on People of Color and Crime. She will be honored at a...
November 15, 2017
National security and a beautifully resonant violin have found a surprising link — a classic experiment in acoustics, recently replicated at the quantum scale as part of a collaborative project on quantum-enhanced motion sensing. UC Merced Professor Michael Scheibner and U.S. Naval Research...
November 13, 2017
Professor Laura Giuliano isn’t the only female economics faculty member at UC Merced, but she is the only faculty member who worked in the Obama administration before joining the campus. As a senior labor economist supporting the president’s Council of Economic Advisers, Giuliano and her colleagues...
November 9, 2017
A new study published online in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences finds that the giant sequoia, a fixture of California’s Sierra Nevada forests for the past 2.6 million years, might be in jeopardy from the effects of drought and climate change. The iconic trees, which only grow in...
November 9, 2017
Very few people will admit to an abiding love of statistics. But Emanuel Alcala, a second-year public health doctoral student, believes statistics are key to solving many of the San Joaquin Valley’s public health challenges. “I grew fond of statistics when I started working at the Central Valley...
November 7, 2017
When it came time to apply for college, so many of us scrambled to compile those lists of community service hours to bolster our resumes. Was there enough? Could I explain in my personal statement what this service meant to me?  From the time we’re young, this idea is engrained in our heads that...
November 7, 2017
Early-stage startups often find themselves in a difficult bind. They need legal counsel to help them form business entities, understand tax liabilities, license inventions and draft terms of service. But many startups can’t afford lawyers. That’s where UC Merced’s Venture Lab can help. “Many...
November 7, 2017
Hunger is a critical issue facing most of the nation and the world, but it’s even closer to home than some might think. At UC Merced, it's an issue that many students face, and one that researchers are seeking to understand. Helping Students in Need A systemwide survey last year found that four in...
