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June 12, 2015
Quantitative & Systems Biology graduate student Portia Mira had a busy spring. Early in the year, Mira was awarded the School of Natural Sciences Dean’s Distinguished Scholar Fellowship. The fellowship allowed her to continue her research and prepare for her qualifying exams in May...
June 4, 2015
Sociology student Wendy Puquirre has identified a major resource for college students from disadvantaged backgrounds ­— siblings who have already attended college. As a part of her recently-completed master’s research, Puquirre found that there is a positive correlation between...
May 28, 2015
Michael Eissinger has an old black-and-white photograph of a farmer named Knox and his three teenage sons standing in a cotton field with a long, 100-pound bag of cotton. He holds up the photo at conferences and public talks and asks where it was taken — inevitably, someone guesses “...
May 14, 2015
A UC Merced graduate student researcher has come up with a new, super-efficient encryption system for smart phones that lets users secure data being sent to and retrieved from the cloud. Bahrami, left with his faculty advisor, Mukesh Singhal. Encrypting data on your phone or tablet...
May 11, 2015
On Friday, May 8, the Center for Research and Teaching Excellence (CRTE) and the Graduate Division hosted their second-annual awards ceremony and reception in the California Room. More than 100 undergraduates, graduate students and faculty were recognized for their contributions to teaching...
May 6, 2015
It took UC Irvine graduate student Ashley Fong years to make significant advances in her research using stem cells to repair damaged heart muscle, but just minutes — three to be exact — to wow a panel of judges with a succinct explanation of her work and capture the championship at the...
April 30, 2015
One of the things that attracted Chelsea Coe to UC Merced as an undergraduate was the opportunity to do research. She transferred to UC Merced during her junior year, and worked in professor Teenie Matlock’s Interactive Cognition lab for the rest of her undergraduate career. When she...
April 28, 2015
Psychological Sciences student Anna Epperson and Environmental Systems student Ryan Lucas are at the state Capitol today with UC President Janet Napolitano and 20 other UC graduate students. The group is promoting the value of graduate research to state lawmakers for the annual...
April 27, 2015
Working with Suzanne Sindi, a professor of applied mathematics at UC Merced, Ph.D. candidate Jason Davis is trying to unlock the mysteries of prions and the destructive diseases they create. Instead of using a traditional lab, he relies on computer modeling and applied mathematics. It’s a...
April 23, 2015
UC Merced doctoral student Holly Rus will present the results of a study on social media and health communications this week during the 36th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicinein San Antonio, Texas. Working with Professor Linda Cameron, Rus conducted an...
