Please find some important information below regarding your transportation to campus. On your GROW registration form, we ask that you please indicate whether you will be driving to campus or utilizing the campus bus system, CatTracks. This information is used to help us plan accordingly for your arrival.
Parking Permits
As a courtesy to our incoming students, Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS), will be allowing incoming graduate students to park in North Bowl Lot 1 and 2 starting August 14th and ending August 19th. During this time, we ask that only students that plan on registering their vehicles and purchasing parking permits for the year utilize these spots. If you do not have the intent of purchasing a parking permit, we ask that you please purchase the daily permits at $8 per day in either the Scholar’s Lot or the Bellevue Lot from one of the parking kiosks. Note that if you have not purchased your parking permit and registered your vehicle with TAPS, you will be ticketed starting on August 20th.
You can purchase your permit starting July 1 by visiting (insert link). TAPS will also be available during the first couple of days of GROW to help you to register your vehicles and purchase permits. Please read your emails for those dates, locations and times. You can also find more information regarding parking and rates at (insert website link).
Bus Pass
If you have indicated that you will be using the CatTracks system to get to and from campus, we will be sending an email the week before GROW with a bus pass. Please show this pass to your driver and you will be able to utilize the CatTracks system. Once you have obtained your CatCard, you will be able to use that to access any CatTracks route. For more information on schedules and stop locations, please visit the TAPS website.
For additional information, please call the TAPS help desk at (209)228-8277.