The transition to graduate school can be difficult. Start your graduate career out right by following the advice found in these resources.
General Resources
- Tools for Success in Graduate School and Beyond
- University of Texas at Austin (pdf) - Some Modest Advice for Graduate Students
- Dr. Stephen C. Stearns, Yale University - Seven Steps to Success in Graduate School (and Beyond)
- Rice University (pdf) - There's No Crying In Graduate School
- Rachel Verona Cote (via Vitae)
Mentorship is a two way street. Be prepared for what will be expected of you and get the most out of the experience.
- UC Merced Graduate Division's GRAD EXCEL Peer Mentorship Program
- UC Merced Grad Council Mentoring Guidelines
Mentees should read this too! - UC Merced Graduate Student/Advisor's Handbook
- Advice on Being Advised
- Chronicle Vitae - A Mentoring Guide for Faculty: Race and ethnicity
- University of Washington - A Guide to Quality Mentoring
- University of Washington