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Faculty Careers Day: California State University

Join us on Friday, February 4, 2022 from 10:00am to 12:00pm

This virtual conference will highlight academic career pathways at California State Universities. Faculty from Cal State LA, Cal Poly Pomona, CSU Stanislaus and CSU Channel Islands will share their experiences and advice about faculty careers at these insitutions. All graduate students and postdoctoral researchers are welcome to attend and ask questions about landing and launching their faculty careers. 

Zoom Meeting ID: 821 0436 3277 

Event Schedule:

10:00am Welcome from Interim Vice Provost and Graduate Dean Christopher Kello
10:15am Allison Matheis, Ph.D., California State University, Los Angeles
10:30am Katie Daniels, Ph.D., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
10:45am Matthew Cover, Ph.D., California State University, Stanislaus
11:00am Cynthia Flores, Ph.D., California State University, Channel Islands
11:15am Moderated Faculty Panel Q&A
12:00pm Event Adjourns


Speaker Information:

Allison Matheis, Ph.D., California State University, Los Angeles

Allison Mattheis joined the Applied and Advanced Studies in Education faculty in 2013 and teaches and advises students in the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and M.A. in Educational Foundations programs. She is a former secondary school science teacher and holds a K-12 Principal's License (administrative credential) from the state of Minnesota. Her research interests include sociocultural analysis of educational policy, ethnographic explorations of educational and workplace cultures and climates, and LGBTQ identities and queer epistemologies in education and STEM fields. Her work is driven by a commitment to empowering teachers as change agents, students as decision makers, and educators as solidarity builders.




Katie Daniels, Ph.D., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Katie Daniels is an assistant professor of Sociology at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, where she currently teaches Quantitative Research Methods and Medical Social Work. Katie earned her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California, Merced in 2020. Katie’s research focuses on how social structure results in unequal health outcomes among groups, with attention to racism, sexism, capitalism, and women’s health. Her research has been published in academic journals including Maternal and Child Health Journal, Ethnicity & Disease, and Mobilization







Matthew Cover, Ph.D., California State University, Stanislaus

Dr. Matt Cover is a professor of biology at CSU Stanislaus. He has spent his life in Northern California, and received his BA in Earth Science and his PhD in environmental science from U.C. Berkeley. As an educator, he teaches courses in general biology, ecology, and science writing, and works with colleagues in professional development programs for STEM faculty to transform the culture of teaching and learning by challenging the dominant culture of STEM. As a scientist, his passion is stream ecology and the natural history of aquatic insects. 






Cynthia Flores, Ph.D., California State University, Channel Islands

Dr. Cynthia Flores is an American Latina who has been recognized nationally as a 2019 Diverse: Issues in Higher Education “Emerging Scholar.” She received her mathematics BS and MS from California State University Northridge and in 2014, she completed a PhD in mathematics from the University of California Santa Barbara in dispersive partial differential equations. She is currently an Associate Professor of Mathematics at California State University Channel Islands where she enjoys teaching ordinary and partial differential equations, introducing new technologies to the classroom, supervising undergraduate research, Co-PIs NSF AGEP, PUMP, and HSI-SMART, and works with community partners in applied mathematics projects. She has been inspired by several mentors and advisors and aims to continue their shared work and legacy in creating opportunities for diversity within the mathematics and STEM communities.








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