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Will Shadish Graduate Student Fellowship

The Will Shadish Graduate Student Fellowship pays tribute to Professor William Shadish, who was instrumental to the creation of our campus and deeply committed to supporting graduate student development at UC Merced during his 13 year tenure. This fellowship is intended to recognize a UC Merced graduate student who has outstanding achievements in research and teaching.

Eligibility Requirements & Standards

  • Must be currently enrolled in 12 units.
  • Must be in good academic standing.
  • Awardee information may be shared with donors, including but not limited to: name, award amount, UC Merced email address, application materials and/or summary of program/research interest.

Financial Support

  • Recipient will receive an award of $1,000 to support their education.

Student Loan Impact

  • Per federal guidelines, all fellowship and tuition support is taken into consideration when determining student loan eligibility.  If the student will receive federal student loans during the same academic year as this award, please note that this award could, and most likely will, reduce their student loan eligibility.

Application & Review Procedures

  • Apply by completing an online application (currently closed).
  • The online application includes the following:
    • Unofficial UCM Transcript
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    • Statement
    • Letter of Recommendation
  • Statements must be within 1-2 pages describing the applicant’s outstanding achievements in research and teaching.
  • One letter of recommendation is required.
  • Applications are provided to the Graduate Council (GC) for review, and GC makes recommendations to the Graduate Division.  Review criteria will include adherence to the fellowship guidelines and the teaching performance of the applicant.  Final award decisions will be made by the Graduate Dean.
  • The Graduate Division will notify awardees and corresponding Graduate Group Chairs by the end of the spring term.

* The Graduate Division reserves the right not to make an award in any given year for which a call for applications/nominations has been issued.



See the Internal Fellowships for current deadlines associated with this fellowship.